2. Monolithic Models Are Bad

Given the abundance of normal driving data, the problem naturally leads to an anomaly detection (AD) formulation.

Given the abundance of normal driving data, the problem naturally leads to an anomaly detection (AD) formulation. Let’s try some off-the-shell well-known methods for example Isolation Forest!

In theory, AD approach isn’t affected by the Cold Start problem as training data is normal data only, and is hence we only need labels during evaluation of the intrusion detection system.

But will it work accurately enough? Let’s try!

2a. A naive AD approach using IsolationForest

import pandas as pd

df_train = pd.read_parquet("data/attack-samples/20181116_Driver1_Trip4-0.parquet")

Timestamp SteeringAngle CarSpeed YawRate Gx Gy Label AttackSensor AttackMethod AttackParams AttackEventIndex
21768 101.062936 NaN NaN 2.380646 0.349023 0.463921 Normal NA NA 0.000000 1
21769 101.064817 13.3680 NaN NaN NaN NaN Normal NA NA 0.000000 1
21770 101.073021 NaN NaN 2.363797 0.351361 0.459190 Normal NA NA 0.000000 1
21771 101.073533 NaN NaN 2.397497 0.351361 0.459190 Attack YawRate quadratic 0.252221 1
21772 101.077089 13.2808 NaN NaN NaN NaN Normal NA NA 0.000000 1
21773 101.078002 NaN 34.59 NaN NaN NaN Normal NA NA 0.000000 1
21774 101.085562 NaN NaN 2.346948 0.353699 0.454460 Normal NA NA 0.000000 1
21775 101.085998 NaN NaN 2.397515 0.353699 0.454460 Attack YawRate quadratic 0.252221 1
21776 101.088035 13.1936 NaN NaN NaN NaN Normal NA NA 0.000000 1
21777 101.096243 NaN NaN 2.330098 0.356037 0.449729 Normal NA NA 0.000000 1
21778 101.098066 NaN NaN 2.397659 0.356037 0.449729 Attack YawRate quadratic 0.252221 1
21779 101.099773 NaN NaN 2.313249 0.358375 0.444998 Normal NA NA 0.000000 1
21780 101.100391 13.1064 NaN NaN NaN NaN Normal NA NA 0.000000 1
21781 101.103478 NaN 34.59 NaN NaN NaN Normal NA NA 0.000000 1
21782 101.109727 NaN NaN 2.397804 0.358375 0.444998 Attack YawRate quadratic 0.252221 1
21783 101.110144 NaN NaN 2.296399 0.360713 0.440268 Normal NA NA 0.000000 1
21784 101.111623 13.0192 NaN NaN NaN NaN Normal NA NA 0.000000 1
21785 101.121875 NaN NaN 2.397611 0.360713 0.440268 Attack YawRate quadratic 0.252221 1
21786 101.121972 NaN NaN 2.279550 0.363051 0.435537 Normal NA NA 0.000000 1
21787 101.124767 12.9320 NaN NaN NaN NaN Normal NA NA 0.000000 1

What did you notice based on the sequencing of the CAN messages? There seems to be particular rhythms.

Let’s include timing-based features, such as time diff since last message of the same type.

SENSORS = ["SteeringAngle", "CarSpeed", "YawRate", "Gx", "Gy"]
df_train_filled = df_train.copy()

for s in SENSORS:
    sensor_not_isna = df_train_filled[~df_train_filled[s].isna()]
    df_train_filled["%s_TimeDiff" % s] = sensor_not_isna.Timestamp - sensor_not_isna.shift(1).Timestamp

We can clearly visualize that attack and normal messages have different timing distribution. Normal YawRate messages typically comes every 12.5ms, and the attack messages are injected much closer to previous messages (smaller time diffs).

Can AD make use of this?

import seaborn
seaborn.violinplot(data=df_train_filled, y="YawRate_TimeDiff", x="Label")

Also, we need to handle the NaN values due to the unique feature of CAN bus data, i.e. YawRate/Gx/Gy is a different CAN message than SteeringAngle or CarSpeed.

from sklearn.ensemble import IsolationForest

FEATURES = SENSORS + ["%s_TimeDiff" % s for s in SENSORS]

def compute_timediff_fillna(df):
    df = df.copy()
    for s in SENSORS:
        sensor_not_isna = df[~df[s].isna()]
        df["%s_TimeDiff" % s] = sensor_not_isna.Timestamp - sensor_not_isna.shift(1).Timestamp

    for s in SENSORS:
        df[s] = df[s].fillna(method="ffill")
        df["%s_TimeDiff" % s] = df["%s_TimeDiff" % s].fillna(-1)
    df.dropna(subset=FEATURES, inplace=True)
    return df

df_train_filled = compute_timediff_fillna(df_train)

iforest = IsolationForest(n_estimators=500).fit(df_train_filled[FEATURES])
import numpy as np
import sklearn.metrics

df_test = pd.read_parquet("data/attack-samples/20181203_Driver1_Trip9-0.parquet")
df_test_filled = compute_timediff_fillna(df_test)
ypred = iforest.predict(df_test_filled[FEATURES])

ypred = pd.Series(np.maximum(-ypred, 0)) # iforest predict -1 vs 1, we need 0 vs 1
cf = sklearn.metrics.confusion_matrix(df_test_filled.Label == "Attack", ypred)

print("Accuracy = %s " % sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score(df_test_filled.Label =="Attack", ypred))
[[221828  55733]
 [  1442  12495]]
Accuracy = 0.8038580024562776 

This is certainly a start. But the accuracy is no where near what’s needed for deployment, especially FPR (false positive rate)! In fact, a majority of predictions are false positives.

While there are a lot of exciting approaches for AD and sequential time-series data, including using RNN/LSTM/CNN, autoencoders, self-supervised learning, etc. The fundamental problem with AD is that it is hard to achieve high TPR while simultaneously achieving very low FPR which is what we need.

Since AD after all, is a harder problem than supervised learning and while they are important parts of the tool box, we need another strategy to tackle the problem.

2b. Machine teaching: leveraging ML to “program” a classifier by specifying human-generated outputs

If we zoom in, it is perhaps easier to see the zig-zag patterns of alternating real vs injected messages. It’s clear that perhaps we can leverage a ML to classify these kinds of smooth vs zig-zag patterns.

After all, ML should excel at pattern recognition.

The significance of this approach is that it is much easier for human experts to synthesize the attack data than to write the detection program. And such is the promise of Software 2.0, but will it work?

Let’s inspect closely one such attack event.

z = df_train[df_train.AttackEventIndex==1]
z = z[~z.YawRate.isna()].set_index("Timestamp")

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.title('An period with both normal and attacks of YawRate, can you tell which value is the "Attack"?')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
z = z.iloc[:100].reset_index() # pop Timestamp attribute
znorm = z[z.Label == "Normal"]
plt.plot(znorm.Timestamp, znorm.YawRate, label="Normal")
zattk = z[z.Label == "Attack"]
plt.plot(zattk.Timestamp, zattk.YawRate, label="Attack")
plt.title("With the Label it's much eaiser, but can ML distinguish which is which?")

Let’s try a gradient-boosted trees firstly, e.g. sklearn’s HistGradientBoostingClassifier can work well on larger dataset before bringing out bigger guns.

from sklearn.experimental import enable_hist_gradient_boosting
from sklearn.ensemble import HistGradientBoostingClassifier

gbc = HistGradientBoostingClassifier(max_iter=500).fit(df_train_filled[FEATURES], df_train_filled.Label == "Attack")
import numpy as np

ypred = gbc.predict(df_test_filled[FEATURES])

cf = sklearn.metrics.confusion_matrix(df_test_filled.Label == "Attack", ypred)

print("Accuracy = %s " % sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score(df_test_filled.Label == "Attack", ypred))
[[277047    514]
 [  4477   9460]]
Accuracy = 0.9828780986490473 

Impressive as it seems, we must note that the false-positive rate is still a bit high at FPR = 520/(520+8660) = 5.66%. Since CAN messages are very frequent (100-200 msgs/sec in each car), this is still no where near deployment-ready!

We can certainly improve results by tuning the model, tuning the fill-NA method, or bring out larger guns like Bidirectional LSTM or CNN or Transformers which can work well on pattern recognition problems on sequential data such as this problem. Powerful deep learning models can recognize these attack patterns well, and can be trained much faster on the full dataset which is quite large in our case.

However, we must reckon that these models, after all, are recognizing attack patterns that humans are generating and injecting artificially. While this is convenient to generate output and train the detector program a la “Software 2.0”, for our situation, because the attacks are purely synthetic, we cannot be too sure that they are learning the right things and work robustly and can be trusted to deploy in the field. It’s best to employ them in the right deployment scope, namely useful pattern recognizers.